
High Level Opening: For a Climate Action with Gender Perspective

Thursday, September 2 / 10:00 - 11:00 Chilean time

Open Call

High-level panel with authorities of all the event-organizer entities, who will present advances, commitments and challenges in this area.

Streaming on Zoom, and YouTube by Euroclima+ and the Ministry of Environment of Chile.

Speakers at high-level panel:
  • Carolina Schmidt, President COP25 and Minister of Environment of Chile.
  • Jolita Butckeviciene, Director for Latin America and the Caribbean, Directorate General for International Partnerships (DG INTPA) .
  • Alicia Bárcena, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, ECLAC Executive Secretary -
  • María Noel Vaeza, UN Women Regional Director.

Moderator: Meilin León, Head of the Office of International Affairs of the Ministry of Environment of Chile.

Session 1

Toward a Transformative Recovery for Sustainability and Gender Equality

Thursday, September 2 / 11:15 - 12:30 Chilean time

Presentation on the regional panorama in light of international advances concerning challenges, opportunities and gaps related to gender and climate change.

Streaming on Zoom, and YouTube by Euroclima+ and the Ministry of Environment of Chile.

Presented by:
  • Pilar Román, Expert in Sustainable Development. Presentation of the Working Paper.
  • Piedad Martín - Deputy Director United Nations Environment Program
  • Fleur Newman - United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change (UNFCCC) Gender Focal Point and Focal Point for Women
  • Ana Güezmes - Gender Affairs Division Director, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)

Moderator: Paula Fuentes, COP25 Advisor.

Session 2

Climate Governance with Gender Perspective: Creating Capabilities and Institutional Arrangements

Tuesday, September 7 / 10:00 - 11:30 Chilean time

Presentation on experiences with institutional arrangements to improve the capabilities and understanding of national entities for the integration of gender perspective in climate policy.

Streaming on Zoom and YouTube by Euroclima+ and the Ministry of Environment of Chile.

  • Bianca Dager, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Environment, Water and Ecological Transition and María Isabel Espinosa Ortega, Technical Secretary of the National Council for Gender Equality: Experience of the Gender and Climate Change Technical Roundtable of Ecuador.
 Presented by:
  • Lorena Aguilar, specialist in gender and environment, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)
  • Johanna Arriagada - Climate Change Office, Ministry of Environment of Chile. Advances of Chile: Gender and Climate Change Roundtable.
  • Jessica Huertas, General Directorate of Climate Change and Desertification, Ministry of Environment of Perú | Vulnerable Populations and Gender Specialist. Presentation of the National Committee of Women and Climate Change, and road map.

Moderator: Teresa Aguilar, Technical Specialist - EUROCLIMA+ Program

Session 3

Coherence in Climate Policy and National Advances

Thursday, September 9 / 10:00 - 11:30 Chilean time

Reflection and presentation on experiences aimed at mainstreaming gender perspective in instruments and means for implementing climate policy are being formulated and/or approved in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Streaming on Zoom, and YouTube by Euroclima+ and the Ministry of Environment of Chile.

  • Mario Rojas, Minister of Environment and Natural Resources of Guatemala. Strategy for integrating gender considerations in the NDC.
Presented by:
  • Verania Chao - Programme Specialist, Gender and Inclusion. United Nations Development Programme
  • Juan Casas - National Focal Point for Gender and Climate Change. Directorate of Climate Change and Risk Management, Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of Colombia. Gender & Climate Change Action Plan.
  • Laura Marrero - Consultant on gender and climate change in support of the National Directorate of Climate Change, Ministry of Environment, Uruguay. Presentation on MRV. National Gender Action Plan.Presentation on MRV.

Moderator: Claudia Brito, Policy Officer, Gender and Social and Institutional Systems Expert, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

Session 4

Climate Financing with Gender Perspective

Tuesday, September 21 / 10:00 - 11:30 Chilean time

Sharing and discussion of experiences in the international, public, and private climate change financial sector aimed at integrating gender considerations and facilitating access to funds; and identifying opportunities to facilitate access to international climate funds according to type of beneficiary.

Streaming on Zoom, and YouTube by Euroclima+ and the Ministry of Environment of Chile.

  • Government of Jamaica: readiness proposal design process to the Green Climate Fund
Presented by:
  • Nina Kolybashkina, Senior Social Development Specialist, Climate Investment Funds.
  • María Elena Herrera, National Forestry Financing Fund, Ministry of Environment & Energy of Costa Rica. Women+Nature Program, on access to microcredit.
  • Emilia Reyes, Executive Program Director: Gender Equity: Citizenship, Work and Family.

Moderator:Marina Casas, Climate Change and Gender Equality Advisor, Climate Change Unit, Sustainable Development and Human Settlements Division, ECLAC.

Session 5

Sex-disaggregated Data toward Climate Change Indicators with Gender Perspective

Thursday, September 23 / 10:00 - 11:30 Chilean time

Reflection, discussion and sharing of experiences concerning the need to disaggregate, collect and process sex-disaggregated data on climate change to shed light on situations that impact differently on women and men and are currently invisible.

Streaming on Zoom, and YouTube by Euroclima+ and the Ministry of Environment of Chile.

  • Miguel Barreto. United Nations System Coordinator in Chile a.i.
Presented by:
  • Cate Orwen, Director of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). IUCN / PNUMA Report.
  • Enrique de Alba, Vice-President of National Institute of Geography and Statistics, México.
  • Ana Rojas, Consultant and expert in gender and climate change for the EUROCLIMA+ program.

Moderator: Ana Pérez Camporeale, Coordinator of the Gender Equality Policies Area / EUROsociAL+ Program

Session 6

Women agents of change: Experiences in Dynamizing Sectors for a Major Environmental Boost with Gender Equality

Tuesday, September 28 / 10:00 - 11:30 Chilean time

Sharing and discussion of different experiences where gender perspective has been integrated in climate change adaptation and mitigation.

Streaming on Zoom, and YouTube by Euroclima+ and the Ministry of Environment of Chile.

  • Minister Marcela Guerrero, Minister of the Status of Women of Costa Rica.
Presented by:
  • Camila Gramkow, Economic Affairs Officer, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) Strategic Sectors for Green Recovery.
  • Francine Baron, Chief Executive Officer of Climate Resilience Execution Agency for Dominica (CREAD), Advancing gender equality in environmental migration and disasters displacement in the Caribbean.
  • Marleny Oliva, Coordinator of the Gender, Multiculturalism and Persons with Disabilities Unit, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Guatemala. Experiences of gender consideration in REDD+.

Moderator: Antonela Busconi, Gender Advisor, Secretary of Climate Change, Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of Argentina.

Session 7

High Level Closing Panel: Synergies with other sustainable development agendas

Thursday, September 30 / 10:00 - 11:00 Chilean time

Reflection, from a gender perspective, on synergies between climate change, sustainable development and other agendas.

Streaming on Zoom, and YouTube by Euroclima+ and the Ministry of Environment of Chile.

  • Carole Dieschbourg, Minister for the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development of Luxembourg.
  • Carolina Schmidt, Minister of the Environment Chile.
  • Felice Zaccheo, Head of Unit Regional Programs for Latin LA International Partnership (DG INTPA)European Union.
  • Fiona Clouder. Regional Worker COP 26 UK.

Moderator: Andrés Landerretche, COP 25 Presidency Coordinator.

11:00 a 12:15  Chilean time

Meeting of gender and climate change decision makers.

Meeting of gender and climate change decision makers in order to exchange and discuss results of the Regional Meeting among government participants. Also, to discuss the challenges and the possibility of creating a network of contacts in order to foster further work on the interlinkages between gender and climate change..

Moderator: Javiera Zárate, Coordinator Regional Meeting on Climate Change & Gender Equality