Thanks to COP25, Chile received the support of many countries and international organizations to play its role as COP25 Presidency for a total of US $ 178.3 million.
With this amount the following projects will be carried out:
Who contributed
European Union, Germany, Norway, China, Luxembourg, Canada, Japon, Sweden, Finland, Monaco, Switzerland, United Kingdom, World Bank, IDB, FAO, UNDP, Green Climate Fund+.
Reforestation Amount: US$ 89,6 Million
Reforestation with native species and sustainable management for rural and indigenous communities in 6 regions: Maule, Biobío, La Araucanía, Los Ríos, Los Lagos and Ñuble. It will allow increasing the forest area by more than 25 thousand hectares and will benefit more than 57 thousand people. The program will help communities address the main drivers of forest degradation, through preventive fire management and post-fire recovery, sustainable forest management, forest and livestock management models, and use Sustainable plant resources.
It will also allow the implementation of the National Climate Change Strategy and vegetative resources in actions to recover degraded land; plantation with native species and support to rural communities, especially indigenous communities, in the same six regions.
Renewable energy Amount: US$60 Million
Renewable energy project for the Tarapacá region 24/7 hours a day.
Espejo de Tarapacá is an innovative private project of Energía Valhalla, which solves the problem faced by several initiatives with renewable energy: intermittent generation, particularly in solar power plants, which operate only during the day. It will also contribute to climate change adaptation by providing a stable water supply from its own desalination plant to vulnerable local communities.
Electromobility Amount: US$ 6 Million
20 electric buses. Deliver in some municipalities of the Metropolitan region such as Puente Alto and San Bernardo, pollution-free transport with USB, WI FI, air conditioning, lay-out network.
Climate risk map Amount: US$ 1,1 Million
Germany supported Chile to begin the development of a map of vulnerability and risk at the community level for all of Chile in the face of climate change, which is essential for the design and evaluation of sectoral adaptation plans. It will develop a set of climate risk maps for critical socioeconomic sectors of Chile. The maps will be displayed on a web platform for dynamic information queries, regional analysis and data acquisition. The map includes a risk analysis by region for the following sectors: Human Settlements; Coasts; Hydrology; Forest plantations; Biodiversity; Energy generation; Health; Mining; Aquaculture; Tourism; Farming; Cities; Water resources.
Solid waste management plan for Chiloé Amount: US$ 1,4 Million
The project consists of the implementation of an integrated management strategy for solid household waste in the 10 municipalities of the Province of Chiloé (impact on 180,000 inhabitants), in order to progressively reduce the generation of household waste for final disposal, increasing local capacities to prevent the generation of waste and promote separation at source, reuse, recycling and other recovery, in line with a circular economy approach that proposes a change in the linear systems of production, business and consumption.
Regional sustainable urban mobility plan Amount: US$ 2,2 Million
Through the International Climate Protection Initiative - Moving Chile, the German Ministry of Environment is supporting Chile to scale electromobility solutions, to be developed by 2021, in addition to providing technical support to finalize the meeting of Ministers of Transport for Climate Change, planned for COP25 in Chile but reschedule to be done in May in Germany. A study will be carried out to estimate the potential of electromobility in public transport, as a basis for future transport policies in Chile.
Environmental education Amount: US$ 3,5 Milllion
Environmental, climate and innovation education and participatory workshops with citizens. Pilot program to replicate in Latin America about environmental education and promotion of climate action in children and young people, to be developed in regions of Chile, which allows to add children and teachers from Latin American countries with experiences.
Energy transformation projects with just transition Amount: US$ 4,4 Million
They will generate a space for reflection on the opportunities for employment in Latin America and the Caribbean, the transformation towards low-emission development models.
The German Ministry of Environment and Conservation delivered this contribution for actions that contribute to the just transition within the framework of decarbonization. The project has a term until 2022 to develop. Among other initiatives, the conversion of a thermoelectric plant into a «Carnot Battery», a thermal storage.
Strengthening of institutional capacities for climate action Amount: US$ 3,5 Milllion
- To promote the development of climate policies at the national level through the hiring of professionals and consultancies, as well as to ensure the participation of Chile in international instances linked to Climate Change.
- Also in Rapa Nui, local capacities will be trained in marine conservation and climate change, capacity building of local councilors, local leaders, youth and the general public of Rapa Nui on the management and management of marine protected areas and their application to the AMCPMU Rapa Nui.
Involvement of different sectors Amount: US$ 1,7 Million
Involvement of the scientific world, young people, green entrepreneurs and local governments in climate action.
- Scientific: Welcoming Chile's interest in giving a leading role to science in the development of diagnoses and solutions for climate change, the European Union supported the development of an articulation process of the Scientific Committee and its seven work tables, divided in two transversal tables (Mitigation and Adaptation) and five sectorial tables (Water, Biodiversity, Cities, Cryosphere and Oceans). Under the title “Scientific evidence and climate change in Chile. Summary for decision makers”, the report of the local scientific community, summarizes recommendations and evidence on seven key axes to face climate change: Antarctica, oceans, water, biodiversity, cities, adaptation and mitigation and Energy.
- Youth: Participation of young people in several international instances relevant to Climate Change, such as the Climate Summit in New York, in September; the Pre COP in Costa Rica, in October; and COP25 itself, where they previously joined the Chilean negotiating team. To this is added the participation of 14 representatives, 10 students and 4 teachers, of the Global Youth Pact for Climate Change (COP25).
- Green Entrepreneurs: There were 2 “Join the Climate Action” Conference in Punta Arenas and Iquique and it is expected to do one more this year, combining aspects of sensitization, discussion and articulation of actors to stimulate investment opportunities and scaling up of the ventures and companies.
- Local Governments: The Chilean Presidency of COP25 has actively incorporated Sub-National Governments as one of the key actors to advance in ambitious climate action and thus approach the goals that science demands.
The Ministry of Environment and UNDP, together with ACHM, SUBDERE and AMUSA, among others, have promoted the joint preparation of the "Sub-National Agenda for Climate Change", which will enhance the key role of municipalities in dealing with Climate Change.
Thanks to the contribution of the European Union, through the EUROCLIMA + Program, supported the participation in COP25 of the mayors of Penco, Víctor Hugo Figueroa; from Santo Domingo, Fernando Rodríguez; de Renca, Claudio Castro; and of Independence, Gonzalo Durán, who participated in parallel events organized by Chile, together with his peers from Latin America and the world. In November 2020, the “Forum of local governments and climate action will be held, which hopes to generate a space for the exchange of knowledge, experiences and relevant practices to face the challenges of mitigation and adaptation to climate change in various spheres at the local level. Also, a series of multi-stakeholder carbon neutrality workshops will be developed to strengthen the capacities of the municipalities in managing their emissions, and promote carbon neutrality commitments in Chile.
Climate action in other projectAmount: US $ 4.9 Million
In addition, thanks to COP25, funds were obtained to promote climate action in various areas.
- Technical workshop on gender: On November 28 and 30, 2019, the technical workshop was held, which was especially aimed at gender negotiators of the Parties and observers, in order to complement discussions prior to COP25, specifically in relation to the revision of the Work Program Lima on Gender (LWPG) and the Gender Action Plan (GAP).
- Launch of a formal network of women negotiators in the UNFCCC process: Launch of an official network of women negotiators who held leadership positions in the Framework Convention process, focusing on creating opportunities among peers. The network is expected to provide regular opportunities to meet and exchange knowledge, tools and experiences in order to thrive in Framework Convention positions, such as those of contact group presidents, co-chairs and co-facilitators or constituted body chairs and vice-chairs.
- Study to systematize data on gender and climate change: During the Chilean Presidency of COP25, a study will be carried out to systematize data on gender and climate change in Chile and thus determine sectoral indicators that allow identifying gender gaps and climate change. Work will also be done with UNDP in the elaboration of an institutional management manual to integrate the gender approach in the Ministry of the Environment.
- Project to systematize data on gender and climate change: This Gender and Climate Change project contemplates:
- A study to collect data on gender and climate change. The first stage will allow to systematize and model the presence of data where it is possible to observe the affectation of the population from the gender point of view, facing the effects of climate change. Based on the information generated in the data collection, disaggregated by sex and territorially, it will be made publicly available through an Atlas that makes visible the distribution of inequalities in the population from the point of view of vulnerabilities to climate change. From this, the second stage will define a list of sectoral gender indicators that allow identifying the gaps.
- Make visible the importance of including the gender perspective in climate change policies. Based on the results of the first product, a dissemination seminar will be held. In addition, there will be a high-level event on gender and climate change within the framework of COP26. In sum, the “First Regional Meeting on Gender and Climate Change” will be held with the participation of gender focal points representing Latin America and the Caribbean, representatives of the Gender and Climate Change Table, civil society and expert panelists on the subject.
- Strengthening capacities to integrate gender and climate change policies. A gender and climate change training program and a management manual will be developed to integrate the gender approach into the MMA's work. In addition, trainings will be held for MMA teams, the Interministerial Technical Team on Climate Change (ETICC) in Santiago and in regions.
Marine Areas
- A study will be carried out with an unprecedented methodology to determine the contribution of Marine Protected Areas to the adaptation and mitigation of Climate Change. An Educational and Cultural Communicational Plan will also be developed in the AMCPMU Rapa Nui with the aim of highlighting the Rapa Nui MPAs and the Sea Steering Council, spreading at local, national and international levels the importance of the natural and cultural heritage associated with the MPAs and their administration, deepening the awareness of the community and visitors about MPAs.
- Collaboration with Latin America and the Caribbean: Chile assumed the COP25 Presidency on behalf of Latin America and the Caribbean. For this reason, the contribution of the European Union is key to the development of a regional agenda during Chile's presidency of COP25. Indeed, during 2020 Latin American meetings will be held on:
- Transparency and Climate Change
- Circular Economy and Climate Change
- Gender and climate change
- Regional Forum of Local Governments
- Forum with indigenous peoples of LAC on adaptation, mitigation and good practices
- Regional forum on scientific topics
- Finance and Climate change
Who Contributed
European Union, Germany, Norway, China, Luxembourg, Canada, Japon, Sweden, Finland, Monaco, Switzerland, United Kingdom, World Bank, IDB, FAO, UNDP, Green Climate Fund+.