
Official sponsorship is earmarked for initiatives organised - on the side lines of COP25 - by civil society organisations, private companies, educational institutions and public service organisations aimed at the promotion of Climate Action.

What is Climate Action?

Actions aimed at promoting climate change mitigation and adaptation and its means of implementation. Mitigation involves initiatives to stabilize and/or reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across multiple sectors (energy, transport, agriculture, land use, etc.), promoting CO2 equivalent sequestration efforts through reforestation.

The concept of adaptation encompasses initiatives to reduce human and nature vulnerability to climate change impacts by maintaining or increasing the adaptive capacity and resilience within communities and ecosystems.

Implementation means or mechanisms cover, in turn, three areas:


Technology transfer

For example, facilitating the introduction of technologies for the implementation of mitigation and/or adaptation measures or promoting the installation or enhancement of research centres that support the technology transfer process.

Financial strategies

For example, actions aimed at leveraging and mobilizing resources from various sources (public, international and particularly the private sector) intended to reduce emissions and enhancement of greenhouse gas sinks, and reduce vulnerability and maintain and increase the resilience of human and ecological systems to the negative effects of climate change.

Capacity development and building

To accelerate the learning curve and facilitate climate action, promoting education, citizen participation and access to information on climate change.

What are the benefits of COP25 Sponsorship?

You will receive our official sponsorship logo to be used in the various communications related to the initiative, according to instructions in our usage manual.

In addition, you can be part of the agenda of citizen events sponsored by COP25 that will be available on this website.

If you wish to apply for COP25 Sponsorship please provide information of your initiative by completing the form available at this link.